I can't believe how long it has been since I posted. Quite a bit has changed in the last few months. I started working in September when my son went back to school. I'm extremely lucky that I was able to get a job working from home, so I have a very short commute and I get to work in my pajama's. The downside is that I spend all day on a computer so when work is done for the day the last thing I want to do is play on the computer.
The summer garden was pretty disappointing, but it was still nice to be able to pick produce from the backyard. I put in a winter garden for the sole purpose of having a homegrown salad for Christmas dinner. I have three beds that are filled with spinach and winter lettuce that are protected by a poly tunnel, the growth is slow but I will be able to eat my own lettuce in December. We have had frost and very cold temperatures and I am amazed at how warm it gets under the tunnel.
Last month we were notified that we are going to have to move. We have been paying our rent, but unfortunately the landlord hasn't been paying their mortgage. We are still unsure of how long we have, but I do know this: I DON'T WANT TO MOVE. We finally got this house unpacked and pictures on the wall a few months ago. I feel like if we have to move we will be starting all over again with new friends and a new neighborhood, something that I don't want to do. We have talked about building a house on one of the empty lots in the neighborhood, but if we do that it will be a long time before I get my hobby farm. We have some decisions to make and we probably need to make them pretty quick.
That's enough updates for now, I'll try and get on here more regularly.
Happy Thanksgiving