Saturday, January 15, 2011

Country State of Mind

With the goal of moving to Oregon becoming a reality, I have found my mind wandering into a state of Country. I'm listening to country music again, something I haven't done in over ten years; I'm teaching myself to knit so I can become more self sufficient; and I feel like eliminating things in my life that are not fulfilling.

I'm in love with the thought of going to Oregon because I feel like I am going to finally be living the life I dream about. I want to live in a small house with a gigantic yard. I want to grow ninety percent of our food and make a lot of our clothes.

Today it is supposed to be 75 here. Am I the only one that gets depressed in Southern California when we go a couple of weeks with warm weather and no rain? My son spent the night at Grandma's last night so before we go rescue him it is off to go get some yard work done. We are going to try and get some peas and spinach planted today, I'm looking forward to eating some fresh peas in the afternoon sunlight.

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