It is so good to be home. I had a fabulous time at my cousin's wedding in my hometown and at the river visiting with family and friends, but I have no desire to return to Southern California. Now that I am back I am ready to make this house of ours into a home. I know that this is not a permanent location, but we will be here until we figure out what the rest of the future holds for us. People are very friendly and we are starting to make some good friendships with some of the neighbors, enough that we have had a few of them over for dinner.
With all that being said, I think my husband is a little homesick. He has never lived anywhere but Orange County and that is where he built his life. Leaving him here alone for three weeks after only being here for a month in a half was probably not the right thing to do. The weather sucked the entire time I was gone, which made him sort of depressed and he was also without anyone that he really knows around. If I had left that long back home it wouldn't have been a big deal because he would have had familiar faces around. I'm hoping that now that we are home and the weather is nice that maybe things will change. If not, I have already told him that I do not want to go back. Maybe he will go to Vermont and change the rain to snow, although that would mean giving up the Lakers and Angels on TV and I don't know if he will ever let that happen.
Now to the garden update.
As you can see everything seems to be doing pretty well. It has been so rainy here that everything is about three weeks behind schedule. It is sad that my peas were bigger in CA in March then they are here in June. I am currently growing popcorn but would love to put in some sweet corn. Does anyone know if they were planted close would they cross pollinate? I picked my first garlic today and it is small, but smells delicious. We have had a few salads with our greens and they were both delicious, I can't wait to be able to have a salad with toppings from the yard. I have been pulling a few of the onions from the yard for my salads, but they are really starting to bulb out so now I will just have to wait until they are ready to harvest. I like my green onions to be pretty skinny and feel that once they get any bigger it is worth the wait to see them as big onions, I love them and use about 15 pounds a month.
So far the totals for June:
Lettuce (Spinach, Looseleaf and Butterhead): 1 Pound
Garlic: 1/4 pound
Alisa Craig Onions: 1/8 pound
Strawberries: 2
Yesterday was supposed to be sunny and it was, but then we got almost an inch of rain. The forecast had only stated a 10% chance of any rain. Hopefully this week we should have some better weather so my garden can start producing. In my next life I am going to be a meteorologist. It is the only profession where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still have a job :)
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